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Archive for March, 2020

PostHeaderIcon Getting Your Taxes Done Without Leaving Your Home

These are definitely unusual times. Most people should not be leaving their homes unless it’s absolutely necessary yet there are still things you have to get done. Grocery shopping is the biggest thing at the moment but at some point in time, especially if you expect a refund, you’ll need to get your 2020 tax return finished some time soon. The good news is the IRS and most states (I’m in Michigan and they’ve extended their deadline) have moved both their filing and payment deadline to July 15, 2020.

People might struggle if they’re used to going to a “big box” tax preparation store like H&R Block. Some of these places might still be open, but if you want to minimize your interaction with people and practice social distancing you might be looking for a better way. The good news is there are ways to get your taxes done without even leaving your house.

More then half of my clients send me their information without a face to face meeting. There are a variety of methods people get me their information to do their taxes and when combined with email for questions, we’re able to knock out their return with little difficulty. The great thing about this is you can be in a different state or even a different country and you’re still able to get your tax return finished.

People send me their information in a few different ways so if you want to discuss a plan that meets your needs, then click on this link and we can figure it out. I’ll give you a price quote before we move forward so there’s no surprises and there’s no obligation until the work is done.